Max Landis Shares 1920s Set Opening Pitch For 'Ghostbusters 3' But Denies Recent Reports He's Writing It

nullFor a movie that still has no director, no release date and seems to be forever spinning its wheels, despite tentative plans to shoot next year, there’s surely been a lot written about "Ghostbusters 3." Either people are genuinely interested or they like a good story about development hell, but once again, more rumors were thrown into the pile this week. Nikki Finke reported, then quickly deleted, a story Max Landis ("Chronicle") was going to be involved in a writing capacity on the movie, something Landis quickly took to Twitter to deny in a series of tweets (collected by Slashfilm). But it’s not like he doesn’t have any ideas.

After some prompting from followers, Landis tweeted his "skeleton" idea for "Ghostbusters 3," sharing what his pre-credit idea for the sequel would be, with a concept that takes the storyline both into the past and future. But before we begin, you might want to know who Ivo Shandor is. He was briefly mentioned in the original "Ghostbusters," but was the main baddie in "Ghostbusters: The Video Game" (portrayed by Paul Reubens), and you’ll want to hit Wikia for more. But Landis weaves him into the storyline in a pretty compelling way. Read on….

Thoughts? Remember, denials by studio folks are common and maybe Landis was on somebody’s list over at Sony. Anyway, perhaps they should give the guy a ring? Let us know your thoughts and if Landis has the right idea on how to head into a third movie that will likely pass the torch to a new generation of Slimer fighters.