Oh brother, here we go. Once upon a time, looong ago, Michel Gondry was the director who was going to tackle, “The Green Hornet” story. This was around 1998. Well, according to a Production Weekly post, yes, Gondry is back in the directors chair with Seth Rogen as the star.
Their one sentence “report” seems pretty unequivocal. “Michel Gondry to direct Seth Rogen in ‘ “Green Hornet.’ ” So now all it takes is one sentence in Twitter for something to be valid? This totally worries us on the state of real journalism. We’re not even kidding.
Update: Variety has a full small report. He’s locked in, production starts in later this year, wow. Updates to come we’re sure. But yeah, the long and short: Gondry chased this project for years back in the day and then it fell through. Kevin Smith may was interested in it once too. People are now saving Gondry “saved” the project after original director Stephen Chow left. Adam Sandler is rumored to cameo in the film too. Update 2: THR says Gondry is only in “negotiations” and not finalized. Stephen Chow is still expected to co-star as the Hornet’s trusty sidekick and chauffeur.
The blogosphere is typically the loving the idea within second, but not everyone is cool with it. Gondry’s interest in the project makes sense given he wanted it back in the day, but Playlist contrib David Benjamin brings ups a good and discerning point. “Gondry seems like a strange choice now that Rogen is in place. I just see them as having much different sensibilities and audiences. One appeals to the fratmosphere, the other to hipsters and intellects. Its an odd pairing.”
If Gondry, Rogen and Sony are still all on schedule, “The Green Hornet” is supposed to hit theaters June 25, 2010.