Mickey Rourke Being Lowballed By Marvel For 'Iron Man 2'?

Marvel Studios is starting to act like one of your worst ex-girlfriends. First you take her home, and things are alright. Then, you go out in public, and suddenly she’s flirting with everyone, telling you obnoxiously personal things, rudely phoning her ex’s in front of you, and then not calling you back for a week and a half. Well, the moment where you try to get on the train and she says she didn’t bother bringing her Metrocard has come: Mickey Rourke is reportedly still only considering taking a plum role in “Iron Man 2” because the offer for the likely Oscar nominee is for a paltry $250,000, according to a throw-away line in a Variety piece about studios and economic woes.

It’s important to be fair about these things: Hollywood negotiations are mysterious things, and it’s always impossible to know who’s really playing hardball. But lately, it just seems like Marvel Studios are being total dicks. Earlier last week, Samuel L. Jackson revealed that salary negotiations had fallen through regarding a return to the superhero stable as Nick Fury (“Honey, can you cover the tip?” “No. I never bring my purse”), and Terrence Howard has already been let go from “Iron Man 2” for “financial reasons,” a revelation followed by reputation-damaging leaks regarding his presence on the set. What’s going on, Marvel? “Iron Man” made $582 million worldwide. There’s no extra change bouncing around? What are you spending this sequel money on, exactly? In theory, Marvel realizes just how much damage they are doing to not only “Iron Man 2” but also to their hopes for a collected cinematic universe- with 2010 tentpole “Thor” and 2011 release “Captain America” ramping up, this looks like dubious behavior in the eyes of Hollywood’s most interesting, promising actors.