Mila Kunis Set To Join Darren Aronofsky's 'Black Swan'

Mila Kunis is in talks to star along side Natalie Portman in Darren Aronofsky’s upcoming supernatural thriller “Black Swan.”

The film will center on a talented ballerina, played by Portman, in the New York City Ballet who is tormented by a rival who might or might not be a figment of the dancer’s imagination. Kunis will play said rival named Lilly who becomes entangled with Portman’s protagonist through a series of strange occurrences as they prepare for a big performance.

Interesting casting. Kunis is better known for her comedies (“Forgetting Sarah Marshall,” “Extract”) and her most recent venture away from such in “Max Payne” didn’t go down too well. She has been in many a lesser known non-comedy but working with Aronofsky, infamous for his stringent pushing of actors and their abilities, we’ll definitely see whether she’ll make it or not.

A deal is currently being negotiated to reunite Aronofsky with Fox Searchlight on the project. The script by Mark Heyman is being compared to “The Others.” Shooting is set to begin in the fall in New York. [THR]