Motley Crue Want MTV Films Out Of The Picture On Long-Developing 'Dirt' Biopic

After years of script re-writes and stalled pre-production Motley Crue’s self-developed biopic of their deliciously scandalous 2001 bio, “The Dirt,” (written by sarger Neil Strauss) has still not reached the big-screen and the members of the aging rockers – particularly unofficial mouthpiece, bassist Nikki Sixx – are pissed.

In 2006, the Crue and MTV Films announced a deal to develop the project, but it looks like the “Smoking In the Boys Room” rockers want out.

The film was originally to be developed and directed by “Borat,” director Larry Charles, but Sixx and co. want to deep-six the deal if they can. “We’re trying to get them [MTV] out of the way to make this movie that should have been made a long time ago,” he said frustrated.

“MTV has become bogged down in its own way. We signed with them because we believed they were right, but they haven’t come to the table,” he said. “We need to find the right partner. They are not the right partner.”

Paramount/MTV Films declined to comment for the Reuters story. Last year Sixx alluded to his frustrations saying the film was in a “holding pattern,” and said they were having director and script rewrite issues. “It’s a pain in the ass,” he said.

Various actors have been rumored to play members of the Crue and their friends over the years including Ashton Kutcher (as drummer Tommy Lee) and two seemingly amazing and ridiculous choices for satellite metal community pals: Christopher Walken as Ozzy Osbourne and Val Kilmer as David Lee Roth. God, We would pay shit tons of money to see that just based on those two choices alone.