“Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in.”
No, I’m not feeling nostalgic for the lesser of “The Godfather” sequels. I’m talking about MoviePass. And it’s not because its offering some incredible deal and changing the way the company does business. Actually, the subscription service that has had a history of ripping off customers and deceiving paying subscribers is sinking to a new low and it might affect all of us that canceled our subscriptions.
READ MORE: MoviePass Has Lied, Misled, Cheated, & Failed Customers Repeatedly And F*ck It, I’m Out
Business Insider is reporting that many customers who canceled their subscriptions, due to just a laundry list of reasons, are finding that MoviePass is re-subscribing them against their will in time to get the new plan that allows users to see three movies a month for $10, which starts tomorrow.
As you can see in the above screenshot (specifically the final line of the email), MoviePass isn’t doing this by accident. They are willingly opting people back in without consent because this new plan takes “priority” over a customer’s own canceling of the service. What?!
I know what you’re saying, “Sure, it’s inconvenient to have a service that you canceled re-enroll you against your will and begin to charge you money without your consent, but can’t you just cancel all over again?” Not so fast…
People on Twitter are quickly sharing stories of MoviePass failing to cancel their already-canceled subscriptions. Chase Mitchell, a TV writer best known for his work on “The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon,” posted screenshots showing that MoviePass wouldn’t allow him to re-cancel his subscription. He tweeted, “I finally canceled my @Moviepass subscription yesterday and today I got this email. Then I tried to quit AGAIN, and it wouldn’t let me. What kind of Twilight Zone shit is this.”
For those MoviePass defenders out there, enjoy your new service plan that goes into effect tomorrow. However, for those who canceled your accounts with this shady, deceitful company, good luck. Because if MoviePass is willing to go to these lengths to keep customers, it appears that we have yet to see just how low the company will go.
Here’s just a sampling of those on Twitter who have shared their horror stories:
I finally canceled my @Moviepass subscription yesterday and today I got this email. Then I tried to quit AGAIN, and it wouldn’t let me. What kind of Twilight Zone shit is this pic.twitter.com/1lv1OG2we3
— Chase Mitchell (@ChaseMit) August 13, 2018
The ultimate shady/fuck you tactic. CHECK UR EMAILS if you previously cancelled so you don’t get billed again @MoviePass @MoviePass_CS pic.twitter.com/9Ti7nWNpNB
— Ryan B (@TheChewDefense) August 13, 2018
Hey @MoviePass stop stealing my money, no matter how many times I cancel my service my account is still active. Awesome to see I've just been billed for next month when I canceled a week ago.
I recommend no one use this shitty service.
— Nuzlocke/Nick Franco (@Nuzlocke) August 11, 2018
@johncampea Hey John want to hear how shady @MoviePass is. I cancelled my account 2 weeks ago. Now get an email saying since I cancelled prior to change my account is active again. When I try and recancel I get an error saying failed to cancel. Hear of this happening to others ? pic.twitter.com/olGXqAIFpq
— Danny Ortiz (@chubs1889) August 11, 2018
Yup, I had to re-cancel as well. Very very shady. Some people may not catch this and get billed for another month of their horrendous service. pic.twitter.com/27L2L08dqu
— Don Jariyasunant (@djariya) August 13, 2018
.@MoviePass is crap. They changed their plan so many times that it’s become annoying. I canceled my account & then get an email today “confirming” my new plan – something I never did. THEN I go to cancel my account AGAIN and it says “failure to cancel account.” Not cool
— Rob McGowan (@IslesRM) August 13, 2018