Zach Snyder’s fantastical girls-that-kick-ass flick,”Sucker Punch” has been dealt another blow: Evan Rachel Wood and Emma Stone have both dropped out due to scheduling conflicts reports the Hollywood Reporter. While most news outlets have focused on the replacement of these two actresses, Jamie Chung (“Dragonball Evolution”) and Jenna Malone (“Into The Wild,” “Donnie Darko”), these lesser known girls definitely hurt what was once an all-star project of young, Hollywood bearing the imprimatur of “it girl” status.
Wood and Stone’s departure follows the of the project’s former lead Amanda Seyfried, with the three now amounting to half of the original line up being forced to depart due to scheduling conflicts. The original cast (and to a lesser extent the WIP genre meets “Alice In Wonderland”-like story) was one we were excited for but as vital talent continues to drop, we are finding it less and less promising. As much as we love Malone, she is definitely no Stone, Wood or Seyfried in the eyes of Hollywood or the geeks who once adored this project. While Chung… well her IMDB page probably speaks for itself. We previously suggested young IT actresses like Mary Elizabeth Winstead, Emma Watson, Olivia Thirlby and Kat Dennings, but they’re presumably preoccupied or disinterested.
The cast, as it stands now, reads Emily Browning (as the star) Abbie Cornish, Vanessa Hudgens as well as Chung and Malone – nowhere as ideal and great as it once was at least from a brand-name, young-Cosmopolitan point of view. “Sucker Punch,” is about an institutionalized girl (Browning) about to be lobotomized in an insane asylum who creates an imaginary world to escape to with her fellow inmates that include the aforementioned lesser females. A 2011 release is still presumably in the cards unless someone important now thinks the cast now doesn’t deserve to grace the cover of Vanity Fair and pulls the plug.