That "Captain America: The First Avenger" was getting a sequel was inevitable. The film successfully brought the comic hero to the big screen in a rousing and better than expected tentpole, and with Steve Rogers landing in contemporary Manhattan at the end of the film and heading into "The Avengers," there is still more to come.
Back in September, Chris Evans said that a sequel probably wouldn't hit screens until 2014, and that timeline seems about right. Marvel's 2013 calendar is already pegged for "Iron Man 3" and "Thor 2" but with two wide open dates the following year — May 16, 2014 and June 27, 2014 — they're gonna need some content to fill that up. Empire caught up Neal McDonough (aka Dum Dum Dugan aka that guy with the awesome mustache) and he was in a very chatty mood, not only revealing when 'Captain America 2' might shoot, but even more, what it might be followed up with.
"Yeah, they’re planning (to go into production for) 'Captain America 2' for the end of this year, because Marvel does one film at a time. So they’re going to do 'Thor 2' and as soon as 'Thor 2' has wrapped, they’ll do 'Cap 2'" he said before adding, "Hopefully right after that, we’ll jump into 'Nick Fury' because that’s the one I’m looking forward to more than anything…it’ll be me and Sam Jackson. In the real Marvel universe, Dum Dum Dugan is Nick Fury’s right hand man."
As we all know, Samuel L. Jackson signed a contract for a nine-picture deal and it's about time his character got a standalone movie that allowed the actor to do more than pop up periodically in everybody else's pic. Of course, any details on directors or plotlines are way, way too early and nothing is revealed here for either. But at the very least, McDonough is hopeful Marvel decides to keep the rumored '70s setting for "Nick Fury" that has been tossed around for a while now.
"I just pray that they have a 1970s setting, because I want to see Sam Jackson with lambchops kicking people’s asses for Marvel universe. It would just be awesome. And to work with Sam would be a treat," McDonough enthuses. Of course, whether or not that happens remains to be seen. If anything, in addition to being known as cheapskates, Marvel are sticklers for continuity in their carefully balanced world. That said, an origin story treatment would solve that problem pretty fast.
So just keep it in the back of your brain for now, but either way, we're still a couple of years off from 'Captain America 2.'