Never Say Never: 'Men In Black 4' Threatens The Planet By Getting A Writer

nullIf you’ve read our recent feature on Blockbuster Threequels (and if you haven’t, you should), you might have noticed that the third entry in many franchises was not the last. They continued on past that number, as the market dictated, and now it seems as if enough people paid for “Men In Black 3” that we might get another one.

Sony has tasked Oren Uziel (“The Kitchen Sink“) to rewrite “21 Jump Street 2” (cool) and “Men In Black 4” (no). While MIB3 might have been the lowest grossing domestic earner by a long almost $100 million, the increasingly important overseas sales were insane, pushing it to over $620 million, the most successful of the entire franchise. Money talks folks, so that’s why Sony is gonna try to make this happen. But as always, there are caveats, and they come in the form of: Will Smith.

Dude is tremendously picking and who knows if his mercurial taste will decide to do it or not (he’s the reason why the forever developing “Independence Day 2has a backup plan in case he bails). And his fussy taste nearly deralied “Men In Black 3,” with the production shutting down for months as a battery of writers were hired/fired/hired to finish the script to his liking. And considering we saw a decade pass between parts two and three, don’t hold your breath on his happening anytime soon. But the possibility is there for sure.

That said, “21 Jump Street 2” is very much real and opens on June 6, 2014. [The Wrap]