While lots of big kids will be going to theaters this fall to see "Star Wars: The Force Awakens," continuing an adventure that started in their childhood, there will also be an entirely new generation stepping into the galaxy created by George Lucas. And hopefully, they’ll have the same experience J. J. Abrams did when he first saw "Star Wars" as a kid.
“It didn’t look like anything I had ever seen,” he told EW. “It looked real, and it was a combination of everything great: It was really funny; it was romantic; it was sweeping and epic; it was incredibly intimate; it had an amazing message and impact. It was an incredibly powerful experience.”
READ MORE: Why J. J. Abrams And His Crew Went Back To 1977 For ‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’
As things go these days, folks are already looking ahead to 2016’s "Star Wars: Rogue One" and 2017’s "Star Wars: Episode VIII" and **some rumors and potential spoilers have surfaced.** First up, Daily Mail says that Peter Cushing will be digitally recreated to play Grand Moff Tarkin in ‘Rogue One,’ which takes place between between ‘Episode III’ and "Episode IV.’ Meanwhile, GeekNation posits that "a strong, young female character," possible Han Solo’s daughter, will be a leading character of ‘Episode VII.’ We’ll see.
"Star Wars: The Force Awakens" arrives on December 18th. The new image above is from Empire.