New Pics From 'Machete Kills' Get Out The Guns


While cinema buffs pack their backs and collect air miles as they prepare for a jaunt that will take them from Venice to Telluride to Toronto in a matter of weeks, for those looking for big, dumb, popcorn fun this fall, there are still options this fall. And one of them will be “Machete Kills.” Now whether or not this sequel needed to be made is up for debate, but it’s clear that Robert Rodriguez and co. are sticking to the low budget, campy, grindhouse aesthetic that defined the first flick. And a few more pics have arrived to provide a look at the film.

Up above we get a ferociously mustached Antonio Banderas (we think?), while below Machete himself (Danny Trejo) seems to be in a tight spot while Sofia Vergara is once again shooting bullets, although this time, not out of her breasts. The plot involves Machete stopping a madman from launching a missile into space or something, but really, no one watches these movies for plot. It’s all about over-the-top mayhem and one-liners sliced into big stacks of cheese.

“Machete Kills” drops on October 11th. [Gotham News]
