New Pics From 'X-Men: Days Of Future Past,' Bryan Singer Says 'Apocalypse' Will Have "Mass Destruction"

X-Men: Days Of Future Past

While much of the attention in the lead up to “X-Men: Days Of Future Past” has been all about the serious number of mutants recruited for the sequel, maybe we should’ve been paying attention to the wardrobe. Jumping between the past and present, DOFP has given the cast plenty to play with when it comes to their look, and some of that is on full display in this new batch of images.

Yep, that’s James McAvoy rockin’ a serious do in the pic above, while elsewhere we catch glimpses of superhero feats and powers, with a couple behind-the-scenes snaps of Bryan Singer directing the thing. And while DOFP is yet to hit theaters, work is already beginning on “X-Men: Apocalypse,” due in theaters in 2016, and the director reveals yet another setting that could provide lots of wacky wardrobe choices. 

“We’re going to deal with the notion of ancient mutants – the fact they were born and existed thousands of years ago. But it’ll be a contemporary movie – well, it’ll take place in the ’80s… The ’80s is a period now – it’s hard for me to believe that!” he told Total Film, who also debuted the new images (via Comic Book Movie). But Singer also promises more stuff being exploded.

“ ‘Apocalypse’ will have more of the mass destruction that X-Men films, to date, have not relied upon,” the director added. “There’s definitely now a character and a story that allow room for that kind of spectacle… I don’t want to get too specific, but we’ll introduce familiar characters in a younger time. That’ll be fun to show the audience. I call these movies in-between-quels. It’s a mind-fuck sometimes in terms of where things fall in the timeline!”

Well, we hope you can keep track of it all. “X-Men: Days Of Future Past” will be in the future present on May 23rd.

X-Men: Days Of Future PastX-Men: Days Of Future PastX-Men: Days Of Future PastX-Men: Days Of Future PastX-Men: Days Of Future PastX-Men: Days Of Future PastX-Men: Days Of Future PastX-Men: Days Of Future PastX-Men: Days Of Future Past