New Poster For Christopher Nolan's 'Inception' Debuts As Reports Of New Trailer Leaks

Another poster for Christopher Nolan’s “Inception” has been unveiled via the film’s viral marketing site, Mind Crime, on the eve of the debut of the film’s second trailer.

The poster focuses on the infrastructure of the city scope seen the film’s first trailer, retains the “your mind is the scene of the crime” motto and lists the names of all the significant actors involved compared to just Leonardo DiCaprio’s in the first poster. While it’s an improvement on the first one, we still feel it’s relying too much on the punchline: “From The Director Of ‘The Dark Knight’.”

The much anticipated second trailer for the film, meanwhile, has debuted in front of early prints of Guy Ritchie’s “Sherlock Holmes.” Unfortunately, from early reports, we’ll be no the wiser as to what the hell this thing is about but will be impressed by what it has to offer.

Described by one /Film writer as “almost completely incomprehensible, a series of images and words that left me in kind of a daze albeit excited as well,” the greatest insight perhaps lies in the voiceover provided by DiCaprio’s protagonist which again collaborates with the reported plot revealed by a few months back and is reportedly as follows:

“What’s the most resilient form of parasite? An idea. An idea has the power to build a city… to change the world, and re-write all the rules… and that’s why I need to steal it.”

Multiple sources have also recounted one resonating visual which is described as “a city block rolling up like it was a piece of carpet and all the buildings just going along with it.” The shot apparently also provides a glimpse of Ellen Page in her role as DiCaprio’s protege.

Other clips included in the trailer also reportedly includes: “The Matrix” style freeze-framing after what looks like an explosion behind DiCaprio at a cafe; “a train is driving down a street, plowing through cars;” more mid-air fighting ala the first trailer; “someone on a motorcycle drives beside a car holding a huge gun;” Ken Watanabe smiling in his role as the film’s antagonist and DiCaprio reportedly telling Page, “When creating something, you can’t think of something that already exists, it has to be something new.”

It all sounds pretty exciting. We hope someone with too much time on their hands manages to crack the Mind Crime site as soon as possible to see if the trailer is hiding somewhere in there.