New Poster & Trailer For Yet Another Generic Jason Statham Vehicle 'The Mechanic'

Jason Statham once again stretches his acting muscles about one centimeter as the trailer has arrived for the latest CBS Films mid-budget-you’re-better-off-saving-your-twelve-bucks flick “The Mechanic.” Lord knows why the studio is dropping this one just two months after their other generic and similar-looking action vehicle, “Faster” which opens in a couple of weeks but at least that movie has a solid score by Clint Mansell.

Anyway, we nearly fell asleep halfway through the trailer, but from what we gather, the film follows Statham as the titular mechanic (hit man) who takes on an apprentice who is the son of a dead man Donald Sutherland. They face off against some guy we can’t identify but who is pretty much a poor man’s Karl Urban, who leads a team of baddies and drives around in fancy car talking on his cell phone. Stuff gets blowed up, Jason Statham goes flying through windows and off bridges and Ben Foster wonders how the hell he was ever convinced to be in this thing.

At the very least, the film has a pretty cool poster but set to be released on January 28, 2011 we suspect you might be better off renting the original Charles Bronson film this is based on. Trailer after the jump.