New 'Scott Pilgrim' Vlog #7 Reveals 3 New Minor Characters, Including Michael Comeau Who Know Everybody (Including You)

It’s Friday so, it’s about that time. The new Edgar Wright, “Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World,” vlog number 7, is one of our favorites just cause it’s chill and amusing. In minor news, it also reveals three minor characters in the script, but one rather beloved in Michael Comeau, a bespectacled ubiquitous character who just knows everyone there is (who looks dead-on for the part, nice work).

Wiki’s got a good (and accurate) recap on every one of these characters.

Michael Comeau
: A friend of Scott’s who knows everybody (including you). Based on Bryan Lee O’Malley’s friend of the same name, a Toronto graphic artist. He has a ring which also knows everybody, which he claims to have obtained from the future
Monique: Another ex-classmate of Scott’s. 23 years old. “kind of a bitch.”
Sandra: Former classmate of Scott’s. 24 years old. “kind of a ditz.”

Also, unless everything in Toronto has radically changed, everyone on the set of “Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World,” has a very weird perception about frat houses in Canada. First off, we didn’t even know frats existed in Canada and if they do, they’re likely about as rowdy as an American senior citizen’s bingo parlor.