No Major Press For 'Meet Dave' And 'Center Of Earth 3D'? Or Does This Dreck Sell Itself?

Taking the subway home last night in New York we were sort of shocked to see posters for Eddie Murphy’s “Meet Dave” and Brendan Frasier’s new winner-fest “Journey To The Center of The Earth 3D.” Yeah we had heard of them, but according to their posters they’re releases are right around the corner (they hit theaters July 11).

Sure, we’re akin to more indie films, but check the movie blogosphere (a wretched term, we’re aware), there’s little to no chatter about each one of these films.

Now are the studios not ceding info to these sites? Or do they not care?

Or is it cause these films sell themselves and the markets for these films — middle America?
You know as little buzz as these films might be getting they’re going to be in EVERY theater from here to Timbuktu and media awareness might not matter one iota when your only options are Eddie or the very au courant and very cutting edge Brendan Frasier.

Now, granted, there was all kinds of ghastly, terrible genius is “Norbit,” but c’mon, isn’t this like purposely marketing junk food to poor people? Don’t be surprised if both these non-buzzed films do healthy box office. Then again everybody did turn on Mike Myers and “The Love Guru” so maybe there is hope for the world after all.

PS. According to this hilarious video over at MTV, Brendan Frasier has confused himself for an actor that actually matters.