Stan Bush, the ’80s rocker who wrote the uplifting anthem to the original 1986 “Transformers” animated movie, is apparently scheduled to perform at the upcoming nerd-festival, err, sci-fi-comics convention ComicCon.
Via Idolator.
Stan to perform at Transformers convention BotCon 2007
LOS ANGELES, CA (June 28, 2007)–The new Stan Bush album, In This Life, is scheduled for release on Tuesday, July 3. Praised as a world-class rock singer, Stan Bush is best known for his song “The Touch” featured in the “Transformers” movie. Stan includes “The Touch” as a bonus track on his U.S. release, as well as “Til All Are One”, the theme song for the Transformers convention (BotCon) being held June 28 – July 1. Stan will be a featured performer at the convention.
Stan’s new album In This Life is his 10th studio release and includes songs that have kept to the heart of his style, but at the same time express a contemporary vibe. Produced by Holger Fath, the album is one of his best ever with a few ballads, powerful anthems, and some mid-paced melodic rockers throughout.
Bush’s new Transformer-centric pimped-out Myspace page is a hilarious must-see. He will milk this association for all it’s worth.
“The Touch”