Paul Schrader Skips Bollywood Film, For Mexico-Set 'The Jesuit'

Paul Schrader is full of surprises these days. After causing buzz among the trades and bloggers by announcing that his next film was going to be a full on Bollywood production, “Xtreme City,” the director has quietly announced in an interview that his next film is actually going to be “The Jesuit.” What?

According to Schrader, the film, which is being co-produced by Mexico’s massive media conglomerate Televisa, heads back into familiarly gritty territory for the director who describes it as “an action/revenge film about a Tijuana guy from Texas who travels to Mexico.” We would assume given the title, and the director’s track record, there is also a strong religious bent to the picture as well. He says the film is currently casting and should be filming in the next few months, and we’re also going to assume he had a hand in the script. But talk about a film that is completely and totally under the radar. We tried to dig up more information about this film but literally no one, except for Schrader, knows it’s happening (not even IMDB). In fact, the only other mention of this film we could find was in a news article from the Philippines. But clearly, India isn’t the first place Schrader has gone to seek out financing for his films.

As for “Xtreme City,” it’s still happening and Schrader says it will get in front of cameras once “The Jesuit” is complete. As we previously reported, that film will be Bollywood in every sense of the word, including song and dance numbers, a ridiculously convoluted plotline and tame enough that the whole family can see it. Schrader is keeping us on our toes and we’re xtremely curious to see both of these films.