Peter Berg Reveals Will Smith Tossing Around Ideas For A 'Hancock' Sequel

nullThis idea of a "Hancock" sequel has been kicking around for a while, and while the movie isn't exactly one of the more memorable blockbusters in recent memory, the bottom line is that it took in over $600 million worldwide. Not bad for a movie about a made up superhero who is also kind of an asshole. Back in 2009, director Peter Berg boldly proclaimed, "Everybody's going to come back for a sequel," noting he had a new super villain in the works. "We have [someone in mind]. I'm not gonna tell you who, but we have!" Well, nothing came to pass, but it seems there is still an effort underway.

The director recently reached out to Comic Book Movie, providing them with an update on the status of a "Hancock" sequel, and it seems everyone wants to do it. "We've been talking about the sequel between us, Will Smith, [producers] Michael Mann and Akiva Goldsman and myself," he said. "We're all interested, but we literally just have trouble getting into the same room at the same time. We did have a series of meetings last year and started to hash out an idea for sequel — and Will Smith actually had the idea — so I think it will happen, it's just a question of timing."

Ordinarly we'd dismiss this, but if Big Willie himself is driving to the hoop with an idea, perhaps it's more than just idle chatter. That said, Smith is booked up for the immediate future with M. Night Shyamalan's "After Earth" and if he follows the usual Will Smith Formula For Success, we'd guess he'll do some Oscar baiting drama to mix it up afterward. Also bear in mind: Will Smith has about a zillion projects in various stages of development. "Bad Boys 3" and more "Independence Day" movies have also been talked about forever (the latter as recently as this fall), and if "Battleship" is a massive success (snicker), Peter Berg might be busy himself on the sequels he's already hinted at wanting to do.

But who knows. If "Men In Black 3" can happen more than a decade after the last movie, anything is possible.