Comic/Sci-Fi Nerd Edition: Peter Berg To Direct Hercules, Lucas Fucks With 'Star Wars' Again

Since we are on the eve of Comic-Con. Fly safe, you poindexters.

Peter Berg, the actor turned director, has signed on for a modern and apparently “fresh,” new take on the story of Greek mythology strongman, “Hercules: The Thracian Wars.” It basically sounds like another “300” clone with shades of “Troy” thrown in for good measure, but like all things these days, it’s based on based on a five-issue comic book series by Steve Moore via Radical Publishing. Berg directed “The Kingdom,” one of the worst movies of the year so far “Hancock,” and is developing a remake of Frank Herbert’s sci-fi novel, “Dune,” famously fucked up by David Lynch in the ’80s who thought he was making an art film. ‘Hercules’ will likely make good competition for the toga parties that are the “Clash of The Titans” remake and the oily “War of Gods” project by silly fruitcake Tarsem [Singh]. [Variety]

George “I Can’t Stop Tinkering With My Life’s Work” Lucas plans to further tarnish the already sullied memory of the “Star Wars” universe, by transposing the original six films into the 3D format. Think about how far out the jump to hyperspace is going to be. [ComingSoonvia Vulture]

“X Men” /”Superman Returns” director Bryan Singer is once again getting into the super heroes business with Warner Brothers. However, this time he will only produce the project known as “Capeshooters,” a film that chronicles two slackers who specialize in shooting videos of superheroes. It’s also based off a graphic novel. [Hollywood Reporter]

Having now realized now matter how much you’ve ruined a movie franchise with PT. 6 cash-grabs you can always recycle reboot the project with a “darker, gritter” tone, Hollywood will hit the restart key on every project that ever made a dime. Next up is a remake of “Nightmare On Elm Street.” A new writer has been hired on the project, blah, blah,blah… [Hollywood Reporter]