Hey, remember Tintin? “The Adventures Of Tintin” made $373 million worldwide, and while it was a much bigger hit overseas, it doesn’t seem like anyone was waiting on that cliffhanger ending. Which is a pity, given that you’d think there would be more excitement over a collaboration between Peter Jackson and Steven Spielberg. The first one, helmed by Spielberg, did have it’s moments, and the plan was always for Jackson to direct the second film. But Jackson returned to Middle Earth instead, and three “Hobbit” films later, Tintin remains dormant, so what gives?
Speaking to BadTaste.It (via Coming Soon), Jackson claims as soon as he returns from Hobbit-ville, he’s getting right on the horse. “As soon as I’m free of ‘The Hobbit,’ I’ll be going back into doing ‘Tintin,'” he says, as if being held captive. “It was held up by ‘The Hobbit’ but we have every intention of doing another ‘Tintin’ movie and it’s just waiting on me to be done with these ‘Hobbit’ movies.” Geez, give this guy a vacation. The next film reportedly adapts both “Prisoners Of The Sun” and “The Calculus Affair” (sounds thrilling!) into one film, but that was also when the plan was to shoot this year.
The plan was also to release the film in the now hyper-competitive 2015 release schedule, but now that seems unlikely. Still, Jackson and Spielberg seem dead-set on making this movie. Maybe someone out there is just as excited to watch. With “The Hobbit: There And Back Again” slated for release next winter, Jackson’s free time should materialize in the coming months, and we can stop resting on pins and needles for that “Tintin” sequel that keeps us awake at night, longing for more.