'Pineapple Express' Sequel? Plus Seth Rogen Admits To Smokin' Real Weed Before MTV Movie Awards Fake Weedgate Incident

What? A sequel to the not-even-released soon-to-be summer stoner hit, “Pineapple Express“?

Stars Seth Rogen and James Franco talked to MTV right before the MTV Movie Awards and said the idea of a part deux to the stoner action comedy – which would be Judd Apatow’s first if it happened – has been bandied about. “Yeah, I’m waiting for the sequel,” Franco said, while Rogen added, “Yep, we’ve talked about it.”

Ok, it’s not much of anything, but it’s something. Moreover it’s a perfect seque to discuss the non-fisaco Weedgate incident which happened at the MTV Movie Awards. Surely you’ve all heard of it. During their presentation of the “Best Movie So Far” at the Movie Awards on Sunday June 1, the duo pretended to smoke marijuana causing a stir in the audience and of course causing MTV to back their cameras away so you couldn’t actually see them smokin’ the fake chiba. There was also some debate as to whose idea the mary jane stunt belonged to (you can see the clip at the bott0m):

Franco later told the AP backstage that MTV put them up to the joke, but that someone from the network decided at the last minute that they couldn’t go through with it. By then, it was too late to pull back.

“MTV wrote it! … Then backstage there was this big commotion: ‘You guys can’t say that,'” Franco said. “It says right in the script: ‘Lights fake joint.'”

Well, in the same aforementioned ‘Pineapple Express 2’ interview (where they also talked about chasing down Huey Lewis to do the movie’s theme), Rogen said rather nonchalantly that he was indeed an active pot smoker and enthusiast. Which is like duh, the guy’s not only Canadian, he’s from Vancouver, the Amsterdam of the West (aka Vansterdam).

“I’m from Vancouver, and they do things different over there,” Rogen told the audience when a fan asked how much research he did for the role. To great applause, he added, “Yeah, I smoke weed. So what?”

Man, if only the censors would have known beforehand! Wait, was the weed smoked on MTV real? Rogen ain’t saying. Well, either way, there you have it. Seth Rogen: fake weed enthusiast, real weed proponent. More at 11. [ed. guys, we love you. don’t do a sequel]