Posters For Steven Soderbergh's 'Behind The Candelabra' & 'The Killing' Season 3 Arrive

Behind The Candelabra, Matt DamonYes, they are tenuously linked — they will both be on TV very soon — but only one of them is playing in competition at the Cannes Film Festival, so let’s start there.

Word on the street is that Soderbergh initially declined a competition slot for his final feature “Behind The Candelabra,” but after some gentle arm twisting from festival head Thierry Fremaux, he agreed. And frankly, it looks like dynamite. Whether it’s deep enough to impress the snootier, furrowed brows of the cinema world remains to be seen but this looks like a wickedly fun time, with some great turns by Michael Douglas and Matt Damon. The story of Liberace might have been too hot handle for certain major studios, but HBO took the risk and if you’re not in the south of France next month, don’t worry. HBO airs the film on on Sunday, May 26th at 9 p.m.

Meanwhile, perhaps borrowing a bit from the recent Oldboy” one sheet, AMC has a countdown of their own on their poster for the newly rebooted “The Killing.” If you soured on the show like many did after season two, producers are promising that this time, the mystery and crime will be solved by the end of the season leaving no dangling parts or dragged out drama. Joel Kinnaman and Mireille Enos reprise their roles, this time looking for someone targeting street kids. There will be mood. “The Killing” returns on June 2nd at 8 PM. [Entertainment Weekly]nullnull