'Primer' Director Shane Carruth Prepping New Film ' Upstream Color' To Shoot In 2012

It has been seven years since Shane Carruth‘s low budget “Primer” arrived and blew the minds of hard sci-fi nuts. The twisty brain bender put Carruth on the map as one of the most promising voices in the genre, but he hasn’t a made a film since. Last year, fresh buzz surrounded the helmer when a website popped up for a project entitled “A Topiary,” which Carruth was trying to get off the ground. At the time his pal Rian Johnson tweeted, “[Carruth] has a mind-blowing sci-fi script. Let’s all pray to the movie-gods that he gets it made soon.” Unfortunately that was the last we heard about it and while Carruth got a gig doing effects work on “Looper,” word on his sophomore effort quieted. But get excited, because it looks like Carruth has something else brewing.

Bearing another inscrutable title, CHUD reports that “Upstream Color” is aiming to be Carruth’s next movie, with shooting planned to take place in 2012. This brand new project — which has nothing to do with “A Topiary” — is from the brain of Carruth who wrote and will direct the indie film, which sees Ben LeClair (“Nacho Libre,” “Gentlemen Broncos“) producing. Of course, actual story details are not available, but CHUD notes that the title may refer “to an esoteric biopharmeceutical term that describes impurities present early in the processing/manufacture of a chemical.” They’ve also gotten their hands on a couple of character bios that have surfaced as auditions get underway, and yeah, they are tantalizingly vague:

Kris – This is the lead part, and beyond involving a severe haircut change in the film, little is said beyond her being intelligent and plain.

Other main roles include Wesley, a composer in his 50s who is also a farmer, as well as Evan, a guy who works in a record shop and sounds a bit like a psychopath.

There are a few secondary roles up for grabs as well: two 12 year olds from the inner city, along with 16-year old name Phoebe and her grandmother Elise, who are described as being very similar souls.

The film is described as a “romance/drama/thriller,” but aside from that, not much else is known. The shoot is expected to last forty days and will be flying under the radar (as much as possible anyway), but with casting beginning, we’re guessing that the movie does have some financial backing in place. So yeah, we’re definitely curious and excited. Just when you thought you’d have to stick to repeats of “Primer” to unwind, Carruth is coming back with something fresh.