In Your Face! Quentin Tarantino Finishes 'Inglorious Bastards' Script

Man, when the RZA recently said Quentin Tarantino was squirreled away for months writing “Inglorious Bastards,” he wasn’t kidding. Though QT is terribly unreliable with many of his wild claims, including the most recent bon mot that the WWII epic would be ready for Cannes 2009, it appears that the script for ‘Bastards,’ which is rumored to be two films long now, and was once around the three film mark, has been finally completed.

According to the BBC, Tarantino was at the Provincetown Film Festival and while there he confirmed that the script is indeed complete and he is moving into pre-production immediately.

“You’re talking to a real happy dude right now,” QT said. Apparently he had just finished the script last week. Note, there is no mention in the piece that “Inglorious Bastards” will be two films and QT makes no reference to a 2nd half.

Though the film was inspired by “The Dirty Dozen” with Lee Marvin (which we’ve said a few times now, the filmmaker insists it won’t be a retread. “What actually got me to sit down and put pen to paper was ‘hey wouldn’t it be fun to do a Dirty Dozen kind of thing?’ It doesn’t look anything like The Dirty Dozen.”

Tarantino also insisted the film would not be a period-piece, would feel modern and would generally be kick-ass, etc.

“I don’t want it to feel like a period film. I want it to feel current. I want it to feel right now. One of the things I have to battle against is 30 years of Nazi-occupation TV movies where we’ve all seen the big streets and the vintage cars and the Swastikas, and we’ve just seen that ad nauseum. This is a modern, in-your-face movie. This is not a TV movie period piece.”

At the event Provincetown (who apparently really adore the director) officially proclaimed that 21 June would forever be “Quentin Tarantino Day.”

This proclamation somehow made QT sound humble for all of 15 seconds, a feat previously thought impossible for any length of time. “I’m not trying to be on the edge, I’m not trying to go against the grain or anything, I’m just telling my stories and I’ve been lucky enough to actually find an audience.”

Maybe QT read all the online press and is gunnin’ hard for Cannes after all? Would still seem rather impossible, but dare to dream we suppose.