It was an eclectic week over at The Playlist. Movement continues on “Django Unchained” while we featured news on the latest goings-on from Darren Aronofsky and Terrence Malick, with a bit of chatter about the careers of David Lynch and Kristen Wiig.
-Could Jamie Foxx end up starring in “Django Unchained“? Reports suggest he is the frontrunner. Really, folks, our Anyone But Will Smith campaign is working wonders.
-“Noah” is taking shape for Darren Aronofsky. With half the funding for the $130 million epic in the hands of New Regency, the wait is for another bid on the budget, with Christian Bale reportedly looking to star in the lead.
-We’re as surprised as you that “World War Z” has finally begun to take shape. The cast is starting to fill out, with Matthew Fox and Ed Harris aboard, joining Brad Pitt, James Badge Dale, Mirielle Enos and Julia Levy-Boeken.
-Among a strong set of Criterion releases for this summer is a four disc presentation for Olivier Assayas‘ “Carlos.” Check out our piece for more on a few Claude Chabrol pictures joining the Criterion slate, and Robert Altman‘s “Three Women” earning Blu-Ray Criterion treatment. And if that isn’t enough, Krzysztof Kieslowski‘s The Three Colours trilogy was the big hint of the newsletter this month.
-The good news: David Lynch is opening a club in Paris. The bad news is that he’s not making movies! Our Sam Price tried to diagnose what’s ailing the suddenly-quiet genius.
-So “Bridesmaids” was a smash hit. How come writer-star Kristen Wiig has no big future projects lined up? Oliver Lyttleton delves into what could be holding Wiig back.
-The internet got riled up over a fake teaser for “The Dark Knight Rises.” You can catch it and scoff at the fake tagline here.
-We continued our monthlong Terrence Malick retrospective with a closer look at “The Thin Red Line.” Perhaps reading up on the film will prepare you for the possible six hour cut of “The Tree Of Life“?
–Zack Galafianakis: comedian. Entertainer. Jerk? A recent Rolling Stone profile certainly makes him seem like someone not above screwing around and violating the comfort of others. Read about the controversy, and laugh, because Zack G. keeps it reals, yo.
-Finally, “Green Lantern” came out. We reviewed it. It was terrible. SURPRISEFACE.