Perhaps you heard. Shocka: Rock Music Made By White People Is Surprisingly White (Indie Rock Why Aren’t You More Black?).
This week Caucasian rock critic/obliquest blogger Sasha Frere-Jones taught other Caucasian rock critics about the word miscegenation.
SFJ also wrote this Simpsons episode back in the day.
Comedian: Yo, check this out: black guys drive a car like this.
[Leans back, as though his elbow were on the windowsill]
Do, do, ch. Do-be-do, do-be-do-be-do.
Yeah, but white guys, see, they drive a car like this.
[Hunches forward, talks nasally]
Dee-da-dee, a-dee-da-dee-da-dee-da-dee.
[Audience howls with laughter]
Homer: Ah ha ha, it’s true, it’s true! We’re so lame!