Rumor: Gremlins 3 & Ghostbusters 3 To Be Shot In 3D?

Ah the desperate 3D proselytizers at MarketSaw who, if they had their way, would have every single project appear in three dimension. These guys are so notoriously pathological about 3D they’ve made many, many slip ups in their reporting.

Their latest news which you can file under rumor for now is that a “Gremlins 3” film is being planned and that the film will be in 3D (no news if Joe Dante will return, but they presume he will).

Well, good news for MarketSaw, now that “Avatar” has done mega-gangbusters dollars, we can pretty much expect to hear “this romantic comedy will be in 3D!” reports for the next six months (MarketSaw were also the ones that rumored that Lucas would retweak the “Star Wars” films into 3D which was vehemently denied, but then again, Lucas has penis/box-office envy and with James Cameron king of the world it is plausible he may want to tinker once more).

MarketSaw has also said recently that “Ghostbusters 3″ will be shot in 3D as well, but next week they’ll probably tell us a Wrigley’s chewing gum commercial will be shot in stereoscopic 3D as well! Ivan Reitman handling 3D? We can’t see it. “Gremlins 3” actually moving foward? File under: we’ll believe it all when we see it.