Rumor: 'Guardians Of The Galaxy 2' To Face 'Batman Vs. Superman' In 2016 Plus Josh Trank Denies Female Dr. Doom

Guardians Of The Galaxy

It was sort of a dick move when Warner Bros. moved “Batman Vs. Superman” out of 2015 and right onto a 2016 date already called by Marvel for a currently untitled movie. And while nothing is official as to what they’ll place against the DC Comics powerhouse, a rumor is suggesting they’re gonna bank on their new batch of superheroes.

JoBlo claims that “Guardians Of The Galaxy 2” will now arrive on May 6, 2016. It’s interesting to think about, and if true, it suggests that Marvel are feeling very confident about James Gunn‘s film coming this summer, but again, this is just a rumor. We’d think Marvel would want to roll their already proven franchises such as “Thor” or “Captain America,” especially since development on third movies for both of them has already officially started. But perhaps Marvel wants to go team-up movie versus team-up movie (kinda), and according to JoBlo, ‘Guardians 2’ would be perfectly timed to follow the animated series which launches in fall 2015. Hmmm….

Speaking of rumors, Josh Trank has once again hit Twitter to debunk yet another nugget making the rounds. Remember yesterday when it was reported that Dr. Doom in “Fantastic Four” would possibly be a woman? Not on Trank’s watch:

But hey, one of those rumors is true so speculate away. Lots of time to try and figure it out before it opens on June 19, 2015.