Now, we’re going to tell you some news, but we don’t want you to jump to conclusions.
Variety is reporting that the duo of Adam Sandler and Jennifer Anniston, from the hit film “Just Go With It,” (yes, it was actually a hit) are teaming up for a new film on Netflix. Before you bash your head into the computer screen or throw your phone across the room, there’s a few signs that point to this being a tolerable film.
According to Variety, the film, titled “Murder Mystery, teams Sandler and Aniston together to tell the story of a New York cop and his wife, who become murder suspects while on vacation in Europe. The report goes on to confirm that Sandler had been waiting for the right time to team up with Aniston again, and feels this Netflix film is the appropriate opportunity.
First bit of good news is the director is none other than Kyle Newacheck, a co-creator of “Workaholics.” That show is actually funny, and could mean there will be some real humor in this Sandler flick. The writer attached is James Vanderbilt, who has written a variety of action films, including “White House Down” and “The Losers.” While not the shining examples of the action genre, they are serviceable films and could mean there is some quality action in the film, as well.
Now, the other positive is Sandler’s track record. Believe it or not, Sandler hasn’t been doing as horribly as you might think for Netflix. Sure, “The Ridiculous Six” is pure trash, and “The Do Over” is just another standard “Sandler gets his buddies together and makes a movie” movie. Now, no one will say that “Sandy Wexler” was gold, but you can see the beginnings of Sandler trying new things. Then “The Meyerowitz Stories (New and Selected)” is one of the best films of Sandler’s career. The evidence points to Sandler actually giving a damn recently and on a bit of an upward swing.
So yes, we admit, “Murder Mystery” could be absolute garbage. However, there is an actual glimmer of hope. And because of this, we’ll hold off on throwing our phones until we see the first trailer.