Santa Barbara International Film Festival Exclusive: A.I. Comes To Life In Clip From Sci-Fi 'Uncanny'

UncannyAt the moment, cinema seems to have artificial intelligence on the brain. Later this year, Alex Garland will pull the curtain off "Ex Machina," but he’s not the only one presenting a tale where technology and humanity come together. At the Santa Barbara International Film Festival, director Matthew Leutwyler will premiere "Uncanny," and today we have an exclusive clip from the film.

Starring Mark Webber, David Clayton Rogers, Rainn Wilson, and Lucy Griffiths, the film follows David Kressen, a roboticist who seems to have created the world’s first "perfect" artificial intelligence, which he names Adam. But soon enough, it starts to exhibit startling and strange behavior. In this clip, we see some of what Adam can do, as technology reporter, Joy Andrews, learns about its many special and distinct qualities, from athletics to intellect.

"Uncanny" will have its first screening at SBIFF on Saturday, January 31st at 7 PM, at Metro 4 Theatre 1. Watch below.