Saoirse Ronan Says She's Still Not Confirmed For 'The Hobbit'

The “is she? isn’t she?” game of whether or not Saoirse Ronan will join “The Hobbit” continues. Last month, casting agent Ros Hubbard said that Ronan has been cast—or is intended to be cast—in “The Hobbit” saying, “[W]orking with Peter Jackson is like working with a family. So they’ll have a great time. Saoirse’s family will go too. Everyone is very close and very loving on those sorts of jobs. It’s not like typical studio movies at all.” Well, looks like it’s still not official.

Speaking on the red carpert of the Irish Film and Television Awards, Ronan told the Irish Times (via MTV) about rumors surrounding her casting in the film that, “No, nothing has actually been confirmed yet. I’d love to get a role in ‘The Hobbit.’ I think everybody in the world would like a role in ‘The Hobbit’.”

With production now set to begin on March 21st, we’d guess that details and fine print stuff are still being ironed out. Guess we’ll find out soon enough if Ronan will play the rumored part of Itaril or not.