'Shark Night 3D' Gets Four Victims

Thanks to the likes of “Piranha 3D” — which already has a sequel in the works — we can probably expect more low-rent thrills in Hollywood’s favorite new format (much to James Cameron’s chagrin).

“Shark Night 3D” is now on the way with Sinqua Walls, Chris Carmack (“The O.C.”), Alyssa Diaz and Joel David Moore (“Avatar”) joining the cast. The “plot” will center “around seven men and women who spend a weekend at a lake house in Louisiana’s Gulf area. When their vacation quickly becomes a nightmare of hellish shark attacks, unheard of in freshwater lakes, they soon discover that the sharks are part of a sick, greedy plan on the part of several locals.” Walls and Diaz will play a young couple, Carmack will play the ex-boyfriend of a still uncast female lead who was scarred in a boat accident while Moore will provide comic relief as “a socially awkward guy who fancies himself a young Brad Pitt.”

The film will be directed by shlock master David Ellis (“Snakes On A Plane,” “The Final Destination”) and has a script by Jesse Studenberg and Will Hayes. Production begins next month in Louisiana.