Actor Keanu Reeves has had quite the career resurgence as of late. Most recently, it was announced Reeves would reunite with costar Alex Winter for the sequel “Bill & Ted Face The Music.” And of course, the “John Wick” series is in full swing; the third one shooting now with costars the likes of Halle Berry and Anjelica Houston is due out sometime next year. Reeves has also reunited with former costar Winona Ryder in “Destination Wedding,” coming later this year.
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With a handful of projects underway and some wrapped up, now we receive one more Reeves feature to tide us through until we return to the next wave of Keanu projects hit us like a point break.
Here, Reeves stars in “Siberia,” the latest feature film from director Matthew Ross (“Frank and Lola“). It’s a familiar beat to what we’ve come to see from Reeves, but very unlike the one from its director (“Frank and Lola” has its thriller elements, but was essentially a love story) It’s a diamond clad thrill ride. The film also stars Pasha D. Lychnikoff, Ana Ularu, and Molly Ringwald. Reeves has obviously built a successful career around films in the same vein as “Siberia” so we should expect some intense standoffs as Reeves’ character navigates Russia in search of an escape.
READ MORE: Keanu Reeves And Alex Winter Reunite For ‘Bill & Ted 3’
“Siberia” hits theaters July 13. Here’s the synopsis:
An American diamond merchant travels to Russia to sell rare blue diamonds of questionable origin. As the deal begins to collapse, he falls into an obsessive relationship with a Russian cafe owner in a small Siberian town. As their passion builds, so does the treacherous world of the diamond trade from which he is unable to extricate himself. Both collide as the American man desperately looks for escape in a world with no exit.