Smurf: Smurf For 'The Smurfs' Finally Smurfs

Did you see “Hop“? Well, basically “The Smurfs 3D” is the exact same movie but with multiple little blue protagonists instead of one long-eared one.

The full-length trailer “The Smurfs 3D” has arrived. The film stars James Marsden Neil Patrick Harris as some random dude who has a decent apartment and a really nice job that gets overrun by these blue communist bastards when they can’t deal with the shit in their own backyard and come running into Manhattan bringing trouble behind them. Isn’t that always the way? Also, it contains the word smurf used about 57,983,312 times, with decreasing hilarity each second. There are also a lot of “blue” jokes though there seems to be huge missed opportunity for a “blue balls” gag. Unrated version maybe?

Smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf smurf July 29th. Trailer below.