“Spider-Man: Homecoming” arrives in cinemas this week, with the newest recruit to the Marvel family guided under the watchful eye of Tony Stark. However, before filming began, it wasn’t clear if Robert Downey Jr. — who is keeping an eye on Marvel’s exit door — would be returning. So, as always, there was a backup plan.
Director Jon Watts reveals to io9 that “mood reels” were created featuring Samuel L. Jackson‘s Nick Fury as Peter Parker’s mentor instead of Tony Stark.
READ MORE: ‘Spider-Man: Homecoming’ Is Fun, But Relies On Too Much Iron Man Babysitting [Review]
“I don’t know what the situation would be. But that would be a person he’d want to get in trouble with,” he explained. However, Tony Stark was the right fit, more seamlessly integrating with the story being woven around the young webslinger.
“The original Spider-Man [suit] in this movie is all made by Peter Parker,” Tom Holland said. “The original webshooters, goggles, that’s all Peter Parker tech, it’s just been upgraded by Tony Stark. I often find that in previous movies, him making his Spider-Man suit is a little far fetched. Our Spider-Man suit has the justification because it was made by Tony Stark.”
However, that’s not to say we won’t be seeing Nick Fury, as rumors are already circulating that he’ll be appearing in “Captain Marvel.”
Looks like @SamuelLJackson will indeed be co-starring with @brielarson in #CaptainMarvel. Expected to begin shooting on January 8th in ATL. pic.twitter.com/SQyLdYZGDS
— Christopher M (@_ChristopherM) July 1, 2017
Meanwhile, in case you just can’t wait until Friday to see ‘Homecoming,’ Sony has dropped the first four minutes of the movie online, where you can see Peter Parker personally document his work in “Captain America: Civil War,” before being given quite the upgrade from Tony Stark.
“Spider-Man: Homecoming” arrives on July 7th. Check out the clip below along with new photos and all of Peter Parks’ vlogs.