'Star Wars: The Last Jedi': Benicio Del Toro Shares New Details About DJ

Who, or what, is DJ? That’s one of the more enigmatic questions surrounding “Star Wars: The Last Jedi,” and we’re not likely to get answer for a couple of weeks yet. However, he’s played by the always-great Benicio Del Toro, and he’s sharing a few more clues about his mysterious character.

Sadly, it doesn’t look like DJ will be dropping some sick beats, but he does seem to be a pretty colorful creation. “This character could come straight out of a Bob Dylan or Tom Waits song, or even a Dostoyevsky novel,” the actor told Empire. “He’s like something out of Dickens; there have been characters like him in all kinds of literature.”

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He’s described as a “slicer” by the magazine, and Del Toro notes DJ is the kind of person who will either cut you, or prove be an ally. All we know is that we can hope we can maintain that level of chill in the new photo as “Star Wars: The Last Jedi” approaches.

See you on December 15th.Benicio-Del-Toro-Star-Wars-The-Last-Jedi