Stephen Daldry Added To Summit's Wishlist Of 'Breaking Dawn' Directors

Summit are dreaming big for their fourth (and potentially fifth) films in the “Twilight” series that aim to shoot this fall.

As we previously reported, Sofia Coppola, Gus Van Sant and Bill Condon have all been approached to direct the next film(s) in the franchise that has become a tween phenomenon. Now, it’s being reported that another Oscar nominee, Stephen Daldry (“The Reader,” “The Hours”) is being sought to helm the picture.

We’re not sure why such esteemed talent is being considered for what is, among fans, arguably the most ludicrous book of the series. “Breaking Dawn” starts with Bella giving birth to a half-vampire/half-human child named Renesmee who possesses some seriously freaky supernatural qualities, among them, being able to grow faster than mortal humans as well as some kind of special way of communicating.

We don’t really see why Daldry — or any of the directors on this list — would take the job. They all have their own established networks for getting their own passion projects off the ground, and we don’t see this being a “one for you, one for me” scenario for any of them. Unless, one of them has a tween child or relative who is dying to meet RPatz and the gang, or if Summit drives a dump truck full of money right up to their door, this is all a pipe dream. But keep thinking big, Summit.