Steven Spielberg Interested In Directing 'West Side Story' Remake


There are people to whom the rules don’t apply, and one of them, at least in the cinematic realm, is Steven Spielberg. Oh, he wants to remake one of the all time great classic films and musicals? As far as 20th Century Fox is concerned, he can go right ahead.

Deadline reports that honchos at Fox have removed the HANDS OFF, KEEP AWAY tape from Robert Wise‘s “West Side Story,” because Spielberg “is interested in making it.” That’s it. For all we know, he could’ve said, “Yeah, huh, that might be neat” and here we are. It’s certainly worth pondering especially since the usually prolific Spielberg is currently in project limbo, with “Robopocalypse” on hold, and other projects such as “Montezuma” and the continually promised “The Adventures Of Tintin” percolating potentially in the background.

One thing in favor of “West Wide Story” is that Spielberg has never really done a musical, and it’s something a holy grail for filmmakers, and perhaps an itch he wants to scratch. It also helps that his longtime producing partner Stacey Snider is rumored to leaving DreamWorks — where Spielberg has made his movies for years — and headed to Fox. Could the stars be aligning?

Seems to early to say, but let us know below what you think about Spielberg taking this on.