Subtle: 'Man Of Steel' Sequel Officially Titled 'Batman V. Superman: Dawn Of Justice'

Batman Vs. Superman Ben Affleck Batman

If Warner Bros. could, they’d open “Justice League” tomorrow given than they’re so far behind the competition in the superhero race. But they are building toward that, first with the “Man Of Steel” sequel set to drop in 2016. And it now has an official title.

The studio has announced that the Zack Snyder directed followup will be titled “Batman V. Superman: Dawn Of Justice” or translated: “Batman And Superman Plus Some Folks Who Will Be In Justice League Which We Promise Is Coming Right After This After Movie.” 

Just like the first look at Ben Affleck as Batman, we’re sure there will be folks trying to dig deeper into the title, or immediately declaring the film’s quality based on its name. But let’s remember most superhero movie subtitles are instantly forgettable and Marvel did its own franchise teasing with the name, “Captain America: The First Avenger.” 

Anyway, “Batman V. Superman: Dawn Of Justice” drops on May 6, 2016.

Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice Logo