David Ayer Says 'Suicide Squad' Is "Halfway To Cult Status"

Director David Ayer may have some regrets about “Suicide Squad,” but actually making it is not one of them. While the director and studio both had differing visions about the anti-hero team-up movie, resulting in a crudely constructed version of two different edits, you don’t have to look too far to see how much fun Ayer and the cast had putting it together. Method actor Jared Leto aside, who annoyed his colleagues with his Joker-y pranks, everyone bonded on the set, and the actors had no shortage of praise about working with the director. But there’s something else worth remembering too….

….”Suicide Squad” is now, and forever, an Oscar winning movie, having picked up a trophy for Best Achievement in Makeup and Hairstyling last year.

It’s a fact that Ayer certainly doesn’t want you to forget. Addressing a question on Twitter, Ayer says he is “grateful” for his time on “Suicide Squad” and claims that movie is “halfway to cult status”:

Well, the movie is certainly on its way to some kind of infamy, though perhaps not the cult love that Ayer thinks. Yes, the movie has its defenders, and even those who unabashedly love it, and Ayer likely hears from all of them. But in general, “Suicide Squad” is still pretty much perceived as a trainwreck. It’s perhaps a curiosity like David Lynch‘s “Dune,” but will it become a midnight movie staple?

Good gosh, I hope not. There are more deserving movies out there. [Uproxx]