Spotlight: 'Support The Girls' & 'Arizona' On Adjust Your Tracking [Podcast]

It’s a curious time to be a good movie. On this episode of Adjust Your Tracking, Joe and I dig into two smaller indie releases that use comedy for different purposes but still have some overlap in their settings amongst strip malls, cheap and depressingly cardboard-cutout-like housing, and the ever-shrinking middle class. We first dive into “Support The Girls,” the latest from director Andrew Bujalski (“Results,” “Computer Chess“) that sees lead Regina Hall—whose warmth, strong presence and ease with humor is in top form here—in charge of a ‘Hooters’-esque establishment.

The movie thankfully avoids cliches and actually digs deeper to find real empathy and heart in its characters. So, it’s a good movie, for sure, but we also discuss how sometimes that’s just not enough these days in our super crowded market. Either way, this movie is worth your time and it’s pleasant AF.

LISTEN: AYT Talks “Madeline’s Madeline” And “Skate Kitchen.”

Continuing with the can-just-a-good-movie-be-enough theme, in the back half of this episode we dive into a mostly VOD release in “Arizona,” a dark comedy by a first time director starring Danny McBrideRosemarie DeWitt and Luke Wilson. It’s a Coens-esque, horrible crimes being committed by idiots type of movie, and while nowhere near as good as even mid-tier Coens, it does have energy and fun to it than something like “Very Bad Things.” And so, we discuss. Hope you enjoy!

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