SXSW Exclusive: The SWAT Team Arrives In Force In Clip From Documentary 'Peace Officer'

Peace OfficerThe militarization of local police forces has become a growing political issue. John Oliver‘s "Last Week Tonight" did a great piece last summer on police departments who have been acquiring military grade weapons and vehicles and the subsequent increase in the use of SWAT teams for tasks like executing search warrants. The upcoming documentary "Peace Officer" explores the issue in further detail; today we have an exclusive clip from the film.

Directed by Scott Christopherson and Brad Barber, the movie profiles former sheriff William "Dub" Lawrence, who established his state’s first SWAT team, only to see it backfire when using lethal force in a standoff thirty years later, killing his son-in-law Brian. Now an advocate for police reform, Lawrence investigates police shootings, and what it now means for anyone putting on a uniform around the country. This scene provides an uneasy look at the buildup of officers that led to his son-in-law’s death.

"Peace Officer" has its first screening at SXSW on Sunday, March 15th at 1:30 PM at the Stateside Theatre.

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