'Sympathy For Delicious' Gets A Poster, Still No Distributor

Things have been very quiet for Mark Ruffalo’s directorial debut “Sympathy for Delicious” since its premiere at the most recent Sundance Film Festival. Reviews were pretty negative across the board (CHUD likened it to “Southland Tales” — oof) and Ruffalo was getting more attention for his enjoyable performance in “The Kids Are All Right.” It did end up winning the Dramatic Special Jury Prize, but went without a distributor and any other information about the film is scarce. Even Ruffalo’s Twitter-crusade against its naysayers — which he believes to be directed at him for even thinking of directing something, being an actor — didn’t really get press until now, where he seemed to mention it off-hand in an interview for the New York Times.

Pictured is the new poster for the film, and we’ll have to agree with Collider, it looks very Sundance-y. The film seems to be doing some more festival spots (in April it played at the Windrider Bay Area Film Festival), but without a distributor who knows when we’ll get to see this one in theaters (or even on DVD). There’s a chance that if “The Kids Are All Right” really makes a huge splash (which it very well could, review forthcoming) it could drum up some interest in Ruffalo’s film, but that’s definitely a small chance. The two are entirely different films, and although it would be interesting to see how a distributor links Ruffalo’s laid back sperm-donor father performance to a film he directed which follows a handicapped DJ, its pretty unlikely at this time.

For now, we have some some clips of the movie set to music after the jump.