How The Oscars Fail Movies

In film commentary circles outside of those dedicated to the arcane craft of awards prognosis and coverage, like our own Awards Campaign, it is pretty much standard to disdain the Oscars. We might discuss them,...

Jessica Kiang’s Top 20 Films Of 2016

I don't think I'm the only person to have wondered about the usefulness of watching, discussing and writing about film — or any art — when it feels like outside the theater, the sky is falling. Great chunks of ...

Kimber Myers’ Top 10 Films Of 2016

For a variety of reasons, 2016 marked my personal record for the most new films I've seen in any given year, which is simultaneously a triumph and a problem. More movies equals more choice, and I'm nothing if n...

Katie Walsh’s Top 10 Films Of 2016

Every year when I do this, I try to find a theme among the films that stuck with me for the year. Sometimes it’s women directors or the American Dream or the triumph of the human spirit. I find that those theme...