Cult director Alejandro Jodorowsky, the wildly perverse and unique mind behind midnight movie classics "El Topo" and "The Holy Mountain" is about to step behind the camera once again. Out of the game since 199...
Bro-core director Peter Berg has three big projects in the works, his ummm, "adaptation" of the Milton Bradley board game "Battleship" (can't wait to see Pacino or someone exasperate, "You sank my....!"), a "He...
We think we were in our late teens when our shady little local video store took us to the back row to showcase the collection of foreign and counterculture oddities found in every haunted, cobwebbed VHS case. ...
"Nothing is a matter of probability. If you put your spirit to something that phenomenon will happen; when you are determined, when you deeply enter that dimension that I call the 'Dance of reality.' - Alejandr...