Ever since he came to Danny Boyle's attention by writing the source material for the filmmaker's "The Beach," novelist-turned-screenwriter Alex Garland has been carving out a neat little niche for himself as th...
Why didn't Olivia Thrilby break out in 2008 and 2009 when she should have? Probably because she doesn't have Amber Heard conventional looks (ironically the girl who replaced her in "Pineapple Express"), but wha...
He was offered the role a few weeks ago and now the ink is dry: Karl Urban will be front and center in the reboot of "Judge Dredd."Empire reports that he's landed the gig and producers Andrew Macdonald and All...
Here's your first look at the one-sheet/teaser poster for Mark Romanek's "Never Let Me Go," a melancholy drama with some vague hints of sci-fi (but not enough to, you know, show at Comic-Con or anything). It's ...