Despite rumors of budgetary troubles, and our extensive campaigning (in case you missed it, it kicked off our new "Should This Be Made?" feature last week), 20th Century Fox's prequel to the "Alien" series is m...
Consider this a weekly look at the biggest projects of the week, and whether they should be crowding multiplexes or not. If we had our way, everything would be French, in black and white, with Asia Argento smok...
Another day, another vague wish-list of actresses for a high profile project! Despite rumors of the R-rated films hitting budgetary troubles, casting seems to be moving forward on the Ridley Scott-helmed preque...
Remember earlier this year when Ridley Scott talked non-stop about his "Alien" prequel films? And then remember how everything suddenly got very quiet? Perhaps there is a reason for this.Script Flags (via Bleed...
It might come as a surprise to those of you who saw her performances as Princess Exposition in this year's "Prince Of Persia: The Sands of Time" and "Clash of the Titans," but Gemma Arterton can act; she delive...
As the legend had it, Samuel Goldwyn once told Billy Wilder and I.A.L. Diamond during the development of a script that "You have all the scenes — just go home and word it in." Screenwriters have never been trea...
Ridley Scott likes to talk, and when he appeared at the Hero Complex Film Festival over the weekend he didn't hold back. Presenting a double feature of "Alien" and "Blade Runner" the director naturally talked a...
While his position in Hollywood's A-list is unlikely to change, four of Ridley Scott's last five movies have all underperformed financially to varying degrees, with "American Gangster" the only flat-out hit (al...
Doing the press rounds for his forthcoming "Robin Hood" has given Ridley Scott plenty of opportunities to elaborate the details on the gestating 3D prequels (yep, there's going to be two) to his seminal sci-fi ...