More capsule reviews from the 2010 Melbourne International Film Festival."The Killer Inside Me"Michael Winterbottom's adaptation of pulp writer Jim Thompson's eponymous novel is a grim, darkly humorous and cap...
To say Brillante Mendoza's last film "Kinatay," which won him the Best Director award at Cannes in 2009, was contentious is an understatement. The film, about a kid who is roped into a job that involves him wit...
Quentin Tarantino is soooo many things. Director, screenwriter, budding novelist (if he ever delivers that longform version of 'Basterds', actor, pretentious movie critic, and now penpal and "way to go!" encour...
How enticing is this! A feature on the lesser films of the 2009 Cannes Film Festival, ha. Maybe in a way it's a steer clear of these heads-up, but it's also, we have no clue where else to stick these/ we're to...