Here we are again — another year that somehow felt both five seconds and twelve eons long has come to a close. For me, a big highlight was definitely getting to see movies in theaters again (post-vaccination a...
We celebrate the movies at this time of year, and in the wild rush to praise directors and actors for all that nifty directing and acting they did over the last 365 days, we all tend to forget that cinema is a...
Let it be known that this was a particularly fascinating year for horror. As always, we saw our fair share of low-budget and arthouse horror titles, but 2021 was also a year where horror went mainstream in sev...
Look, thanks to that godforsaken pandemic, which messed up the Oscars and the entire calendar year, it's kind of hard to make the Best Films Of The Year, So Far feature because so many films were kind of relea...
You could make an argument that the psychological thriller genre has grown a bit stale over the years. What used to be an interesting place to showcase character studies about truly disturbing people has turne...
If the people censoring inappropriate images out of films are there to protect the people from unnecessary horrors, who protects those protectors? In the new ‘80s-set, blood-soaked thriller, “Censor,” the answ...
Pandemic life may have been horror enough for most, and no, this isn’t some comment on Inauguration Day, but those of us who find comfort in giving ourselves the creeps have been in a bit of a drought. Last ye...
Every year is a good year to stan female directors, but 2021 has cooked us up a real feast. Acting veterans like Rebecca Hall, Maggie Gyllenhaal, Robin Wright, and Halle Berry are finally claiming their direct...
The fact there are even 72 selections for the 2020 Sundance Film Festival is something of a miracle. The fall festivals had the benefit of movies that mostly shot before the pandemic hit in March. Outside of t...